Saturday, August 31, 2019
The Bipolar Disorder In Early Years
Bipolar affective disorder has been a mystery since the 16th century. History has shown that this affliction can appear in almost anyone. According to an article on bipolar disorder by, David E. Cohen, Some research suggests that highly creative people such as artists, composers, writers, and poets, show unusually high rates of bipolar disorder, and that periods of mania fuel their creativity. Famous artists and writers who might have suffered from bipolar disorder include poets Lord Byron and Anne Sexton, novelists Virginia Woolf (who did suffer from bipolar disorder) and Ernest Hemingway. (Encarta Encyclopedia) Despite the fact that many people suffer from bipolar disorder, we still wait for clear explanations for the causes as well as the cure. The one fact of which we are painfully aware of is that bipolar disorder severely weakens its†victims ability to obtain and maintain social and occupational success. Manic and Depressive Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder or manic depression is characterized by many symptoms that can be broken into manic and depressive episodes. The depressive episodes are characterized by intense feelings of sadness, despair, hopelessness, and helplessness. guilt, crying spells, disturbances in sleep and appetite, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, difficulty thinking, indecisiveness, and recurrent thoughts of death and suicide. (National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association). The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, poor judgment and insight, and often reckless or irresponsible behavior, grandiose delusions, inflated sense of self-importance, racing speech, racing thoughts, flight of ideas, impulsiveness, poor judgment, distractibility, reckless behavior and in the more severe cases, delusions and hallucinations. (NDMDA )(Encarta Encyclopedia) Bipolar disorder affects approximately one percent of the population (approximately two million people) in the United States. It usually begins in a person†s late teens or 20s. Men usually experience mania as the first mood episode, and women usually experience depression first. Episodes of mania and depression usually last from several weeks to several months. On average, people with untreated bipolar disorder experience four episodes of mania or depression over a ten-year period. Many people with bipolar disorder function normally between episodes. Still, in â€Å"rapid-cycling†bipolar disorder a person experiences four or more mood episodes within a year and may have little or no normal functioning in between episodes. Often times bipolar patients report that the depressions are longer and increase in frequency as they age. Bipolar disorder is diagnosed if an episode of mania occurs whether depression has been diagnosed or not. Many times bipolar states and psychotic states are misdiagnosed as schizophrenia. Fortunately, Speech patterns help distinguish between the two disorders. This devastating disease causes disruptions of families, loss of jobs as well as millions of dollars in cost to society(Encarta Encyclopedia). (NIMH) Other Forms of Bipolar Disorder & Stages of Mania In another type of bipolar disorder, a person experiences major depression and hippomanic episodes, or episodes of milder mania. In a related disorder called cyclothymic disorder, a person†s mood alternates between mild depression and mild mania. (Encarta Encyclopedia) The three stages of mania begin with hippomania, in which patients report that they are energetic, extroverted and assertive. The hippomania state has led observers to feel that bipolar patients are â€Å"addicted†to their mania. Hippomania progresses into mania and the transition is marked by loss of judgment. Often, overjoyed grandiose characteristics are displayed, and paranoid or irritable characteristics begin to manifest. The third stage of mania is when the patient experiences delusions with often paranoid ideas. Speech is generally rapid and hyperactive behavior sometimes becomes violent when frustrated ((NIMH) (Encarta Encyclopedia) The genes that a person inherits seem to have a strong influence on whether or not the person will develop bipolar disorder. Studies of twins provide evidence for this genetic influence. Among genetically identical twins where one twin has bipolar disorder, the other twin has a 50 percent chance of also having the disorder. Conversely, among pairs of fraternal twins, who have about half their genes in common, brothers, sisters and children have a 5-10 percent chance. The amount of genetic similarity seems to explain for the difference between identical and fraternal twins. Further evidence for a genetic influence is apparent in the study of adopted children with bipolar disorder. This study shows that children who develop bipolar disorder are more likely to have had biological relatives with this disorder rather than adoptive relatives. Although research has shown an apparent linkage to genes on many chromosomes, researchers have been unable to locate a specific gene linked to the disorder. (Kalat 434) (Encarta Encyclopedia) Lithium salts has been the primary treatment of bipolar disorder which continues to be used since it accidental discovery by J. F. Cade. (Kalat 434) It is main function is to stabilize the mood of bipolar disorder patients. The drug usually takes two to three weeks to become effective. People with bipolar disorder may take lithium during periods of normal mood to delay or prevent later episodes of mania or depression. Common side effects of lithium include nausea, increased thirst and urination, dizziness, loss of appetite, and muscle weakness. Unfortunately, 20- 40% of bipolar patients are either unresponsive to lithium or can†t stand the side effects. (Encarta Encyclopedia) For those 20 to 40 percent of people who do not respond to lithium therapy, two anticonvulsant drugs may help calm severe manic episodes. The first one is carbamazepine (Tegretol) and valproate (Depakene). These drugs are useful as anti-manic agents, especially in patients with mixed states. Both of these medications can be used in combination with lithium or in combination with each other. Valproate is especially helpful for patients who are unresponsive to lithium, experience rapid cycling, or have alcohol or drug abuse problems. (Encarta Encyclopedia) (NDMDA) Newer antipsychotic medications such as olanzapine, risperidone and quetiapine appear to help with manic episodes. Also, anticonvulsant or antiepilepsy drugs such as lamotrigine, topiramate and gabapentin may help stabilize patient†s mood when other medications are ineffective. (psychology today, 87) Yet other drugs used are antidepressants. They include, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI†s), fluovamine and amitriptyline which been used by some doctors as treatment for bipolar disorder. However, research shows that SSRI†s and other antidepressants can actually trigger high manic episodes especially when used alone. Antidepressants are useful when used in together with mood stabilizing medications such as lithium. NIMH) (Psychology Today, 87) In addition to the mentioned medical treatments of bipolar disorder, there are several other options available to bipolar patients, most of which are used together with medicine. One such treatment is light therapy. Which is actually used to treat another form of depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Patients are treated with very bright lights (2500lux) for an hour or more each day. This bright light treatment is equally effective in the morning, afternoon, or evening, but according to research it is most effect during the day. Kalat 436) Yet another popular treatment for bipolar disorder is electro-convulsive shock therapy. ECT is usually the recommended treatment for severely manic patients who are homicidal, psychotic, catatonic, severely suicidal, or for those who were unresponsive to drugs. (Kalat 433) (Encarta Encyclopedia) A final type of therapy is outpatient group psychotherapy. According to The National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association, the value of support groups, has challenged mental health professionals to take a more serious look at group therapy for people with bipolar depression. Research shows that group participation may help increase lithium compliance, decrease denial regarding the illness, and increase awareness of both external and internal stress factors leading to manic and depressive episodes. Group therapy for patients with bipolar disorders responds to the need for support and reinforcement of medication management, and the need for education and support for the personal difficulties that arise during the course of the disorder. Cognitive and behavioral treatments focus on recognizing early warning signs, interrupting unrealistic thoughts and maintaining positive activities. (Psychology Today, 87)
Friday, August 30, 2019
A Teacher’s Involvement on Education Reform Essay
Student achievement is constantly changing. Today’s students are being prepared to face the real world that requires them to have exceeding abilities and knowledge. On the global economic aspect of today, students are asked to understand the fundamentals and at the same time be able to think critically. They must analyze and make inferences. It is the teacher’s task to develop these skills in the students. They must prepare them for any changes in the assessment of the school, especially when this approach is of the large scale and high-stake level. Education in the United States has been reformed countless times – all for various reasons. The changes in the knowledge and skills that are aimed for success go hand in hand with the understanding of how students learn. The relationship between the instruction given in schools and the assessment of the students through exams change the learning goals that are set for them and their schools. Therefore, the need for education reform. 1 Before, society can get by with the basic reading and arithmetic skills. This was during the industrial age. However, we are now in an information age. Individuals are required to have access to the interpretation and analysis of the information that they use in order to come up with decisions. Studies show that the skills and competencies mentioned in the previous sentence are the requirements to succeed in the workplace. 2 To adapt to these changes, the content standards of education – skills, knowledge and behavior of the students – must be achieved at a higher level. This is developed at the national, as well as the state areas of science, mathematics, history and geography. In this process, student assessment is the focus and the center of the efforts on matters concerning educational improvements. The policymakers intend to change the assessment that will allow teachers and schools to have different approaches. Assessment reform is not an excuse for a new regime by teachers. This is targeted to the students with the help of the development efforts of the teachers. These include curriculum reform, improving instruction and getting new instructional materials. A number of policymakers and educators believe that the assessment of the students reflect the lessons that they were taught. It’s true that the assessment influences the format of instruction. Contrary to the understanding of today’s students on how they learn their lessons, the assessments are particularly traditional. Most exams still follow the multiple-choice and the true-false format. These test facts determine the skill in an isolated approach. It seldom requires the students to apply what they really know, making it hard to determine what they are capable of doing in real life situations. The standardized tests do not match the content standards. Relying too much on these kinds of assessment often result to an instruction that only focuses on the basic knowledge and skills. It does not encourage the institution to reform the instruction give to the students. Engaged learning will prepare the students better for the 21st century. That being said, it only makes sense that the tests the students take encourage aggressive learning. 3 â€Å"The notion that learning comes about by the accretion of little bits is outmoded learning theory. Current models of learning based on cognitive psychology contend that learners gain understanding when they construct their own cognitive maps of the interconnections among concepts and facts. Thus, real learning cannot be spoon-fed, one skill at a time. †4 Educators, policymakers and parents are starting to realize that the basic learning abilities are no longer enough. They need the students to have the skills they learned in school and the abilities they need upon leaving school all at the same time. Schools are expected to assist students in developing these competencies which they will use in real and authentic situations. The establishments are expected to graduate students who have these abilities – students who excel on both the standardized and the alternative assessments. During the last decade, the education community in the United States went through a proliferation of reform efforts that are standardized-driven. Its main objective is to increase the achievement level of the students. They want students from the United States achieve the same level of competitiveness with other industrialized nations. The education community also wants to restore the public confidence in the education. Once these are achieved, then it provides the standards-setting bodies the primary ways on how the classroom teachers can be involved in the reforming process. The federal government is a prominent player in the reforming efforts one educations. It goes all the way back in March 1994 when President Clinton signed the â€Å"Goals 2000: Educate America Act. It was the legislation that created the framework which allowed states to adopt and construct the education reform strategies by incorporating the three Goals principles: 1. ) rigorous academic standards. 2. ) alignment of curriculum, textbooks and teacher education and 3. ) clear incentives to encourage students to strive to meet high standards. Also, in 1987, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards or the NBPTS was formed in order to articulate the standards of excellence to what teachers must know and should know. NBPTS has an assessment system that determines the eligibility of the educators for the National Board certification. At the same time, the Council of Chief State School Officers has established the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) to produce the model standards for the initial teacher licensure. INTASC standards are based on NBPTS standards. In 1987, the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) started using the revised accreditation standards for teacher education institutions. This also reflects NBPTS standards. It calls for better performance, higher admissions and graduate standards. NCATE encourages the teachers to prepare the reforms on education at a content standard that has appeared from projects such as the NCTMs. There are three kinds of national standards which currently receive attention from the American government. The content standards focus on the curriculum, the performance standards concentrate on the student work and the assessment, and the school delivery standards which centers on the resources and support for the schools, teachers and students. The building figures from the consensus prominently show that the standards- setting movement of the schools and teachers has had de facto standards for the content areas that are mentioned in the Goals. These are affected by the textbook manufactures and the performance standards that are set by the testing companies. In contrast to this, the standards development projects of recent years have tried to get a base of support for a ny academic improvement. The involvement of teacher in the professional standards development can be seen in various areas: 1. The teachers function as the standards. A lot of members of the NBPTS standards committees are accomplished and celebrated teachers. Classroom teachers are members of the NCATE board and the Standards Committee serve as the team which evaluates the teacher preparation programs. The Standard Project is there to develop the assessment standards. It also serves as the instrument for a national system of voluntary student examination. It engages the teachers in developing the tests items and refining the content standards in order to come up with better scores from the students. 2. Teachers are the subjects of the fields that are new to test standards. Since they participate in the NBPTS field test, the INTAST assessments are conducted by teachers. 3. Teachers serve as the translators of the content standards. They apply this in a teachable classroom setting. By working with the scholars, the teachers build the contend standards in a state curriculum framework. They come up with lesson plans which are the operations for the standards they intend to meet. 4. Because they bargain units and have professional associations, teachers serve as the initiators of the standards-setting projects. Take this for example, the Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students was developed by the American Federation of Teachers, the National Council on Measurement in Education and the National Education Association. 5. Teachers also serve as the critics of the national standards that set the efforts on education reform. The seven model standards that have been developed and supported by the Board of Education have circulated drafts of the standards documents. It also solicits the comment from the teachers and the parents. It is very important that teachers are on the panels in order to oversee the projects. The promotion of students’ critical thinking skills, active engagement in learning and deeper understanding of the subject matter is â€Å"teaching for understanding. †The classroom teachers must be engaged in teaching and understanding the lessons that they teach to the students. The research and the experience are collaborated and are jointly reported. Teachers must also focus on the policy considerations, starting with the perspectives in the classroom and emphasizing on the need for the field-based research that are needed for the multiple contexts of teaching. However, the involvement of teachers also varies on the perception of the school leadership. There are some teachers that perceive the costs of involvement in education reform outweigh the benefits. There are also some teachers who choose to not get involved because it means that this will influence other school policies. With this in mind, this proves that there are two kinds of decisions: the managerial, which is made by the administrators and the technical, which concentrates on the goal. Most teachers prefer being involved in the process than coming up with technical decisions. 7 Then there are some teachers that argue that education reform cannot be imposed on a unilateral approach. Teachers must endorse their new responsibilities and roles, as long as there is a time and enough resources to go about it. Schools depend on the cooperation, relation and interdependence of the staff members that plans such as these must be consistent with the norms that already exist. 8 Schools must also consider the current staff development. There are some models that do not help the teachers in handling the complex reforms that are currently being implemented. Dominant models work perfectly when the specific practices or skills are transferred. The current reforms need teachers to be intellectual. They must grapple the new ways in order to implement the principles and ideas in their daily work. The five steams of reform are challenges to the teachers. 9 Finally, there are the different studies of teachers when it comes to leadership roles. There are conditions that are particularly good prospects when it comes to leadership. By investing in roles that are dignified and not simply powerful, the organizational incentives needed for collaboration results to agreements which protect and separate the interest of the administrators and the teachers. This is a good thing because its final result is that it complies with the policies which support the education reform. Drawing from four different studies of teachers in leadership roles, the author examines the conditions for teacher productivity in schools. Little identifies five conditions as particularly likely to advance or erode the prospects for teacher leadership: define leadership tasks that are important, not trivial; invest leadership roles with dignity, not simply power over others; have organizational incentives for collaboration; avoid agreements that protect the separate interests of teachers and administrators; and have district policies that support teacher leadership, especially those on recruitment, selection, placement, and evaluation of principals. 10 Sometimes it is better to give movie examples. Over the years, there are countless movie releases that show teachers defying the school’s rules in order to provide what is best for their students. In â€Å"Dangerous Minds†, Michelle Pfeiffer encourages her students to read poetry instead of hanging out in the street and ruining their lives by getting involved in drugs, sex and gangsters. In the â€Å"Sister Act 2†, Whoopi Goldberg helms a choir consisting of African American students from the ghettos. Like Pfeiffer in â€Å"Dangerous Minds†, this is the nun’s distraction for the students to make something out of their lives. But a recent movie that depicts educational reform and teacher’s involvement best is the TV movie â€Å"Walkout. †It tells the story of the Mexican-American students in Los Angeles high schools in 1968. They staged a boycott in order to improve the quality of education for Chicanos. Actor-director Edward James Olmos (who plays Jennifer Lopez’ dad in â€Å"Selena) appears and directs in the movie. â€Å"Walkout†was skillfully directed and presented a simple story told in a direct manner. There is a frank portrayal of the unacceptable educational standards in the schools that are attended by the Mexican-American students. In one scene, two Chicano students were slapped on their behinds because they spoke in Spanish. This was only one of the rules in American schools which Mexican-American activists wanted to reform. They want to speak in Spanish whenever they want to because Spanish is their language. For teachers who want a peg in participating in educational reforms, they can look at Sal Castro played by Michael Pena (Jennifer Lopez’ brother in â€Å"Selena. ) He is a dedicated high school history teacher who is the instrument in stirring idealism in his students. He didn’t want them to be violent activists. He encouraged reform but he reminded them that this can be done in a united and peaceful protest. The focal point of the story is Paula Crisostomo (Alexa Vega) who is an exceptional student. She risked her graduation in order to be part of the Lincoln High School walkout. â€Å"Walkout†captures the passion of Paula and her classmates. The parents strongly resisted at the earlier part of the film, but later on they slowly understood the reason behind the activism of their children. The entire cast, played by young performers, is convincing. It is true that â€Å"Walkout†is a film but this is a depiction of something that happened in 1968 which changed history. Because of that walk-out, Mexican-American students are given a voice. The teacher participated in his own way in the education reform his students want granted. Those who watched this movie for the first time were unaware of the Chicano movement of 1968. They were surprised to find out that there was a time Universities kept Chicanos out. Teachers sacrifice their efforts and their time in order to concretize the goals they want for their students. Education reform may not be achieved with just one snap of a finger but that does not mean that teachers should stop trying there and then. For this very reason of reform, teachers and students are more motivated to strive toward success. Education reform is a right that must be made the most out of. It could be better opportunities for the teachers as well as the students. Once the school is presented an option to have an education, then they must seize it. It may be puzzling at first but the absence of education reform can have dire effects on the effective teaching in schools. Research shows that successful schools have reformed their education in relation to the demands of today’s information age. By viewing teaching as the central activity of organizations, more and more educational bodies are encouraging schools to take part of education reform. By proposing the norms, conducts, standards and practices which will serve as the central dialogue and observation of teaching, activities and practices that are related to providing a curriculum and materials needed by the school, students and teachers will be open to the recognition of teacher’s involvement in the whole educational reform process.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Site Finding And Planning For Wind Farms Environmental Sciences Essay
Finding a air current farm site is a juggle act where many, frequently conflicting, issues need to be considered and balanced before a determination to develop a possible site is taken. At the most basic degree, after set uping that the end product from a air current power undertaking can be sold at an acceptable monetary value, the following are the acerb trials for any possible development: 1.Is grid connexion probably to be cost effectual for the coveted size of development? 2.Is the air current resource adequate? 3.Will the undertaking be able to obtain all the licenses necessary for the air current farm to be built? 4.Is entree to the site and building of the air current farm likely to be cost effectual? 5.Can the rights to the land be secured? A good outlook that the reply to all of the above trials will be positive is a pre-requisite for doing the investing necessary to gain a undertaking, although necessarily early determinations need to be made on uncomplete information. A Each of the issues is considered in a little more item below:Grid connexionWhen looking for a site, propinquity to a medium electromotive force grid is a good initial index that an appropriate connexion is practical. The following phase of the procedure is to keep treatments with the appropriate electrical authorization. A The consequences of such treatments will normally bespeak a cap, or a series of caps on the upper limit installed capacity at a possible site which are associated with increasingly more dearly-won grid connexion scenarios. A Some elaborate analysis by the electrical authorization, at the cost of the developer, may be necessary before even approximative figures are available. A The presence of merely a high electromotive force line n ear to a little or average air current farm may non be helpful as the cost of connexion to such a grid may be prohibitory.Wind ResourceIt is hard to generalize how best to measure the air current resource at a possible air current farm site when no site air current informations are available, as different states have markedly different air current governments. A Some general regulations, for which there are many noteworthy exclusions, are listed below: Good exposure, peculiarly in the prevailing air current way, will well better the resource at a site. The rate at which wind velocity reduces off from the countries of a site with the best exposure should non be underestimated. A An â€Å" ideal †hill would hold smooth inclines of about 17 A grades gradient. Steeper inclines do non give significant extra sweetening of the air current flow but can do separation of the flow which complicates the air current conditions at a site. A Low flora at and around a site retards the air current flow less than tall flora. A However, a site with good exposure and little trees is likely to turn out better than a site with hapless exposure and no trees. ABuilding licensesKey issues will change between parts and states but common sense indicates that countries with particular appellations are best avoided. A Low visibleness from cardinal countries of habitation or diversion is besides desirable. A If there are homes within a few 100 metres of the air current farm site noise or shadow spark may turn out an insurmountable job in some states. A Turbines can interfere with electromagnetic telecommunications signals. A The presence of a telecommunications mast at a site or such signals which cross a site may therefore perplex the procedure of obtaining a edifice license. A A cheque for telecasting communications should besides be made which may non be evident from ocular review.EntreeThe distance to the nearest route entree and t he complexness of the terrain will well act upon the capital cost of the undertaking. ALand handinessLand handiness varies from state to state but a possible site where there are comparatively few landholders and landholders who can give sole rights to the developer is the ideal state of affairs. The job of site happening lends itself good to a thorough and elaborate Geographical Information System ( GIS ) based attack where air current atlases, an electrical grid map, roads, environmental appellations and other standards can all be input and the optimum sites defined. A In pattern, nevertheless, a more matter-of-fact attack may good turn out more appropriate.2. WIND FARM LAYOUT DESIGNThe air current farm layout is typically designed utilizing a professional air current farm design bundle. A Such tools allows for an effectual loop and optimization of the cardinal parametric quantities for the layout.Preliminary layout designOnce a site has been identified and the determination has been taken to put in its development the air current farm design process commences. A This is necessarily an iterative procedure. A The first undertaking is to specify the restraints on the development: Maximum installed capacity ( due to grid connexion or Power Purchase Agreement footings ) Site boundary Set dorsums from roads, homes, overhead lines, ownership boundaries etc. Environmental restraints Location of noise and shadow spark sensitive homes, if any, and appraisal standards Location of visually sensitive point of views, if any, and appraisal standards Turbine minimal spacings as defined by the turbine provider. Constraints associated with communications signals such as microwave nexus corridors, if any. Local ordinances that limit the turbine type permissible for the development. These restraints may alter as treatments and dialogues advancement with assorted parties. For the intent of specifying the preliminary layout it is necessary to specify about what sizes of turbine are under consideration for the development, as the installed capacity accomplishable with different sizes of turbine may change significantly. A The choice of a specific turbine theoretical account is frequently best left to the more elaborate design stage when the commercial footings of the assorted providers are known.Specification of anemometryThe air current resource at the site is the cardinal parametric quantity in finding its economic viability. To measure the energy for a undertaking it is necessary to obtain informations on the local air current government. Typically this means installing anemometry equipment at the site. The preliminary layout allows the air current measurings to be made in appropriate locations. As a general regulation the mast should be at least two tierces of the hub tallness of the turbines. A utile regulation in complex terrain is that no turbine is located more than 1 kilometer from the closest mast. In really terrible terrain, the closest mast should be within 500m, but for air current farms located in simple terrain a much lower denseness of masts over the site may be appropriate. For big developments that require several masts there may be advantages in ab initio put ining merely one mast on the site. Once it is confirmed that the air current resource is sensible, other masts can be installed to corroborate the fluctuation in air current velocity over the site country. Provided the original mast remains as a changeless mention other masts can be moved after, say, six months of operation to cut down the entire figure of masts required.+Detailed layout designA cardinal component of the layout design is the minimal turbine spacing used. A In order to guarantee that the turbines are non being used outside their design conditions, the minimal acceptable turbine spacing should be obtained from the turbine provider and adhered to. The appropriate spacing for turbines is strongly dependent on the nature of the terrain and the air current rose at a site. A If turbines are spaced closer than 5 rotor diameters in a frequent air current way it is likely that intolerably high aftermath losingss will ensue. A For countries with preponderantly uni-directional air current roses, such as the San Gorgonio Pass in California, greater distances between turbines in the prevailing air current way and tighter spacings perpendicular to the prevailing air current way will turn out to be more productive. A Tight spacings require blessing by the turbine provider if warranty agreements are non to be affected. With the air current farm restraints defined, the layout of the air current farm can be optimised. A This procedure is besides called air current farm â€Å" micrositing †. A The purpose of such a procedure is to maximize the energy production of the air current farm whilst understating the substructure and operating costs and run intoing all restraints. A For most undertakings the economic sciences are well more sensitive to alterations in energy production than substructure costs. A It is hence appropriate to utilize the energy production as the dominant layout design parametric quantity. The elaborate design of the air current farm is facilitated by the usage of commercially available air current farm design tools. A Once an appropriate analysis of the air current government at the site has been undertaken, a theoretical account is set up which can be used to plan the layout, predict the energy production of the air current farm every bit good as being used to turn to economic and be aftering related issues. For big air current farms it is frequently hard to manually deduce the most productive layout. A For such sites a computational optimization utilizing a air current farm design tool may place a layout for which significant additions in predicted energy production are achieved. A Even a 1 % addition in energy production from improved micrositing could easy stand for an addition in one-year gross of $ 50,000 to $ 100,000 for a 50 MW air current farm. A The computational optimization procedure will normally affect many 1000s of loops and can include noise and ocular restraints. A Wind farm design tools handily allow many substitutions on air current farm size, turbine type, hub tallness and layout to be considered rapidly and expeditiously increasing the likeliness that an optimum undertaking consequences. A Financial theoretical accounts may be linked to the tool so that returns from different options can be straight calculated, further streamlining the development determination doing procedure. In many states the ocular influence of a air current farm on the landscape is an of import issue. A The usage of computational design tools allows the Zone of Visual Influence ( ZVI ) , or visibleness footmark, to be calculated to place from where the air current farm will be seeable. A The tools may besides be used to supply visual images, to ease the production of photomontages and to foretell the noise and shadow spark which consequences from a proposed development. A These are frequently cardinal facets of the Environmental Assessment for a undertaking. Figure 1 shows an initial preliminary layout of a air current farm consisting of 26 turbines that meets all site specific restraints. A There are two noise sensitive homes west of the proposed air current farm with a defined noise bound that are marked with brooding icons. A The solid black line represents the site boundary in which the turbines can be placed. The layout of the air current farm after the optimization is shown in Figure 2. A Compared with the initial layout the predicted energy production has increased by about 3 % . A In the upper subdivision of Figure 2 the optimised layout of the air current farm superimposed with the noise degrees predicted for this layout can be seen. A A rendered visual image of the air current farm visual aspect from a point of view sou'-east of the air current farm is shown at the underside.
Security Roles Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Security Roles - Research Paper Example Additionally, the head of security has some important duties and responsibilities and they most notably include filtering criminal records of the newly hired employees. Secondly, the leaders have to make hard choices during their jobs because they cannot to afford to trust anyone and it is a common belief that security professionals are paid to remain suspicious of everyone. The need to suspect everyone and everything is a defining attribute of security professionals in both public and private sectors of the society (Spitler, jones, Hawkins, & Dudka, 1987). The private security officials and agencies are bound to perform their duties under Police and public law enforcement as they are blessed with the governmental authority to prosecute any suspect. The role of private security is to minimize any immediate threat and danger to the interests of corporations. In the court of law, however private security officials have the capacity of expert witnesses while; the local police department s are responsible and accountable for conducting detailed crime investigational activities. The heads of corporate security departments have the important duty to neutralize any possibility of offence against the company and they are helped in this cause by technological interventions such as CCTV cameras and walkthrough gates. The idea is to minimize the possibility and probability of fatalities of security professionals specifically. The heads of security departments are also supposed to propose training and development of the staff so that they can perform their roles in a better manner. The private security professionals are nonetheless, believed to have lower level of dedication towards ethical standards in the field because they often suspect an innocent person as a possible threat and therefore, the suits stating that companies are engaged in harassing people, are piling up in developed parts of the world. The main purpose for outsourcing security to corporation is to minimiz e the strain on dollars of the taxpayers. In the past, the public law enforcement agencies were expected to provide security to the interests of corporations. The citizens of advanced nations developed the knowledge and publically challenged the practice. They held on to the point that their tax-revenues should be spent on betterment of public services and they must not be wasted on the protection of private economic interests. As a response to the abovementioned societal change, the companies were allowed to hire security professionals on their own. The security professionals are notorious for having introvert personalities whereas; people use to get annoyed by their tendency to suspect everyone. The public law enforcers have to commit to the higher ethical standards in order to win a conviction in the court of law but the private professionals do not succumb to any civic values and therefore, are infamous for using excessive force on suspects. Furthermore, they are also believed t o illegally detain corporation’s enemies and torture them against their misdeeds. The public imagines private security officials as thugs that are hired in order to do the dirty work of their employers. The governments on the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Comparative study two companies in the same area with regard to their Term Paper
Comparative study two companies in the same area with regard to their innovation activity - Term Paper Example Comparative study two companies in the same area with regard to their innovation activity This paper look at the companies history in relation to innovation, their respective time of entry, the path-dependencies, factors that influenced their optimal entry timing, transition process, and their motivation and management of the companies resistance. To achieve this, the study is going to employ different concepts such as types of innovation model, BCG Growth-Share Matrix, technology S-curve, SWOT analysis, and Porters 5 Force model. Grunfos A/S is a firm that manufactures pumps with its representative companies distributed across the world having more than 20,000 employees. The three major products produced by the company include submersible pumps, circular pumps and centrifugal pumps producing over 19 million pumps annually. The company’s white paper on its measures on changes in climate indicates that innovation remains the core of Grundfos. Dong Fang Turbine on the other had is an enterprise owned by the state with approximated over 13,000 employees and it has over the years developed to become among the top three leading power equipment companies. To get to this position, innovation has been key to the company’s development leading to the coming up of new wind turbine, thermal power and solar power. Self regulation in Grundfos has been appreciated as being remarkably exercised and it is deeply committed to the sustainability of the company. Following the fact that the kind of business run by the company remain relevant to the water resources of the world, its innovations have to take into consideration the Corporate Social responsibility. (Keeley and Doz 76). The company has committed itself to cut down on their carbon foot print and reduce their emissions of carbon in the entire cycle of both the services and products they produce, cut down on their water consumption using their value chain, produce pumps that are energy efficient, assist the world in adapting to the changes in climate, low carbon economy and water scarcity and facilitate the awareness linking energy, water and climatic changes. This implies that the main challenge to Grundfos innovation strategies is the state environment thus is has to come up with ways of ensuring that all the environmental regulations have been observed at the same time maximize on its profits. The company has adapted well to this challenge and this can be attributed mostly to its traditional proactive to take part in global environmental concerns such as being part of the establishment of A to G energy labeling that was a voluntary exercise, facilitating the production of educational material as well as funding and running researches and campaigns on environmental issues in the media (Keeley and Doz 120). Companies Endeavors Grundfos innovation strategies have been coupled with organizational adjustments, environmental management systems, and endeavors implemented one after the other. It is the Central Service Department of this company that is responsible for the coordination of environmental issues concerns as well as management of the external collaborations. Chain management of environmental products, environmental management in relation to production and the responsibility of corporate social remain the responsi bility of this department. In an effort to improve its operation and coordination within different departments within the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Love, Beauty, and Honor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Love, Beauty, and Honor - Essay Example The image of ideal appearance also undergoes constant changes. Women who were treated as the most beautiful during baroque seem to be ugly today. Modern people do not behave the same way as they did many centuries ago. The changes in the understanding of beauty, love and honor should be analyzed in detail in order to see the development of the humanity. However, it is possible if one analyzes all the periods of art development: classical, renaissance, baroque, romanticism, realism, impressionism, post-impressionism, modern and contemporary. It is necessary to stress that the notions of love, beauty and honor are closely connected with Humanities. It is possible to research these terms and changes in them only with the help of these sciences. The latter give an opportunity to resort to the use of historical facts, literature, arts and teach us to think analytically. It is impossible to view the changes in the image of beauty, love and honor without going back to some historical facts and the works of famous artists. Otherwise, the research will be plain and unreasoned. Initially, there was no ideal image of human beauty because only gods were depicted as the best-looking creatures. Nobody could be prettier than them. The majority of artists and sculptures depicted ideal bodies of gods. They seldom used ordinary people for their works. All sculptures and pictures demonstrated ideal body because the artists applied young athletes for models. It is necessary to stress that the ideal female beauty in classical period was represented by the image of Aphrodite mentioned in Homeric writings. Practically all sculptures and paintings depicted naked people. It was quite normal for classical period. There were some changes in renaissance. It should be noted that renaissance perceptions of beauty are easily seen in Botticelli’s Venus and Mars that is placed in the National Gallery in London. Thus, an ideal beauty of renaissance should have symmetrical features of her body and face, perfect alabaster skin. One should have high forehead, pale skin, the sharply defined chin, strawberry blond hair, delicate and high eyebrows, full lips, narrow mouth and strong nose. Venus depicted by Botticelli is dressed; however, it is done so that it is easy to understand that she has ideal body. The renaissance and humanism rejected the point of view that only gods can be beautiful and viewed beauty as a consequence of harmony of proportions and rational order. Renaissance artists began to stress human sexuality. The emphasis was made on female breast. Baroque period opposed to renaissance. All the artists belonging to this period resorted to the use of clearly defined planes. There was a continuous overlapping of elements and figures. All depictions looked psychologically and physically real. More bright and dramatically colors were applied. Caravaggio is the most celebrated representative of this period. The most famous pictures are: The Rich Old Man from the Parable by Rembrandt, Cupboard by Georg Flegel, The Coronation of the Virgin by Diego Velazquez, etc. The pictures and sculptures of the artists of this period demonstrated fat bodies because they were in fashion. An ideal woman of baroque should have fat hips, blond hair and deep navel. The period of romanticism was predetermined by rococo. An ideal woman should have resemblance with china statuette. This meant having thin waist, small head, roundish hips and narrow shoulders. Women wore pompous dresses
Monday, August 26, 2019
Carbon monoxide emissions from automobile related to the greenhouse Essay
Carbon monoxide emissions from automobile related to the greenhouse effect and how it negatively affects the US economy - Essay Example This discussion will examine the role automobile emissions play in global warming, briefly explain the phenomenon, its effects on the environment and the economic consequences to the U.S. The rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere are becoming increasingly disconcerting. Worldwide, â€Å"carbon dioxide emissions are increasing by four percent a year†(Miller, 1990: 450). Eighty percent of the world’s population accounts for just 35 percent of CO2 emissions while the United States is responsible for generating nearly half. Automobiles are the main cause of air pollution with toxins emitted from stacks at coal-burning electric power plants running a close second (Breuer, 1980: 70). In addition to CO2 emissions, vehicles emit carbon monoxides (CO), hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), all of which contribute to global warming (Energy Information Administration, 2004). As the balance between the CO2 levels in the ocean and atmosphere is disturbed by interjecting increasing amounts of CO2, the oceans continually absorb higher concentrations than it does naturally. The subsequent warming ocean waters are less effective in their ability to absorb CO2. At increased temperatures, the atmospheric water vapor and resulting precipitation will be proportionately higher. (Schroeder, 2007) The more rapid water recycling rate due to the greenhouse effect will result in heavier rainfall amounts and the number of extreme rainfall events. Higher rainfall rates will cause increased tropical storm intensity in addition to the warmer temperatures. Hurricanes may be even more frequent and intense than presently predicted. Scientists universally forecast that global warming will melt glaciers causing a rise of sea-levels which will hasten erosion resulting in the loss of vast areas of land. The change will bring about elevated storm
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Land Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2
Land Law - Essay Example A 2002 being to create a land registration system that is an accurate reflection of the true state of title to a registered estate of land at any time. As such, it is arguable that the narrow system implemented by the LRA 2002 renders the unregistered system a more useful tool to protect legal interests against purchasers of the legal estate. Furthermore, one of the central purposes of the 2002 Act was â€Å"to reduce the number of overriding interests which are binding upon a purchaser of a registered title†(Sexton 122). However, Sexton argues that the â€Å"2002 Act achieves this purpose only to a very limited degree†(122). Accordingly, whilst the overall intention of the 2002 Act is to reduce the number of third party equitable interests which are binding on a purchaser, it is questionable how far the LRA 2002 has gone to achieve this. The focus of this analysis is to evaluate whether the unregistered system facilitates the protection of legal interests against a purchaser of the legal estate with a comparative analysis of the registered land system particularly in context of the overhaul implemented by the LRA 2002. Additionally, this paper will consider whether it is easier for third party equitable interests to be protected where title is registered particularly in context of the LRA 2002. With regard to unregistered land, the general principle is that all legal interests against an unregistered title will be binding on a purchaser (Smith). As such, this general principle would appear to support the statement that it is easier to protect legal interests against a purchaser of the legal estate in unregistered land; as with registered land, legal interests are required to be registered unless they fall within the category of overriding interests (Dixon). Moreover, the system of overriding interests has been inherently complex, creating uncertainty for the purchaser vis-à -vis registered titles. Alternatively, the wider scope for protection of proprietary
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Computer Assisted Language Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Computer Assisted Language Learning - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that communicative competence must be the cornerstone of ICALL. ICALL must provide appropriate language assistance tailored to meet student needs. The ICALL must provide rich language input. The ICALL student model must be based in part on a variety of learning styles. ICALL material is most easily learned through associations, which are facilitated by interesting and relevant themes and meaningful language tasks. ICALL must involve interactions of many kinds, and these interactions need not be just student-tutor interactions u ICALL must provide useful, appropriate error correction suited to the student's changing needs ICALL must involve all relevant language skills and must use each skill to support all other skills. ICALL must teach students to become increasingly self-directed.As the essay stresses the tutor-tool framework is offered here as a mechanism for addressing a number of concerns in CALL, the most far-reaching being the belief that all CALL is of the tutorial type, characterized by one-to-one interactions where the computer evaluates the student input and then presents the new material accordingly. In general terms, such frameworks are helpful for a number of reasons. In suggesting the tutor-tool framework originally, Taylor argued that a simple scheme for classification was required to help practitioners 'intellectually grasp' the diverse range of activities in educational computin.g (1980: 2). CALL is faced with similar problems. We have seen the diversity of CALL projects in the CALL Survey, and writers such as Chapelle emphasize that CALL is not one activity but many, often differing widely in function, character, and content ( 1994b). A framework is needed to help comprehend the many approaches being taken. Hubbard (1992: 42) with regard to the creation of a methodological framework for CALL, argues that a framework properly constructed has the benefits of providing: a metalanguage for discussion; a u seful structure to conceptualize materials for development and research; and an 'integrated set of evaluation criteria for determining the fit of software with the teacher's views, the learner's needs, and the syllabus goals and constraints'.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Organizational Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Organizational Cultures - Essay Example To begin with, organizational culture is the personality or a face of an organization. Organizational culture consists of the assumptions, stereotypes, believes, values, norms, and artifacts of the members of taken organization (McNamara). The corporate culture of organization can be easily seen simply by the way people relate to each other, the way they communicate, whether they possess esprit de corps, etc. Briefly, it can be said that the basic functions of organizational culture are to give the staff a sense of identity, to promote commitment, and to enhance stability in the corporation. There are different types of organizational cultures just like there are different types of personal cultures. Herein I would like to present the following four types of cultures. Academy Culture is a culture in which employees are highly trained and tend to stay in the organization, while working their way up the hierarchical pyramid. Examples of such organizations are universities, hospitals, and large corporations. Baseball Team Culture is the culture where each employee is in high demand and can easily get employment elsewhere. Good examples of organizations with such cultures are fast-paced, risky companies, such as investment banking, advertising, PR agencies, etc (Curry). Club Culture is a culture which is comprised of employees who are trained to work in closely-knit groups. Examples of organizations possessing this type of culture are the military, as well as law and notary firms. Fortress Culture, is the most unstable culture from the mentioned above, because in its framew ork employees do not know whether they should expect to be laid off or not (Curry). Examples of organizations possessing fortress culture are savings and loans companies and car manufacturing companies (McNamara). Organizational culture can also be described in regard to three levels that were first introduced by Edgar Schein, a professor who has left a notable mark in the field of organizational culture. The fist and most visible level is behaviors and artifacts. This evident level consists of behavior patterns and external expression of culture. Artifacts and behavior usually tell us what the group of people is doing, though when observing behaviors it is impossible to understand the reasons behind the particular actions (National Defense University). At the next level of culture are values. Values bring about and determine behavior, they give us explanations that are behind the actions of staff, however, they are not directly observable, as behaviors are. The last and deepest level of culture is the level of assumptions and beliefs. Once understanding
Thursday, August 22, 2019
John Locke V Thomas Hobbes Essay Example for Free
John Locke V Thomas Hobbes Essay Locke and Hobbes both had detailed accounts as to what the state of nature is. I will start with Hobbes and what he felt the state of nature is made up of. Hobbes believed in defining the state of nature as what it is instead of what it ought to be. So he focused in on the nature of people and came to a very descriptive conclusion as to how survive in this particular state of nature. He stated that man was equal in ambition, cruelty, and treachery, which in turn makes humans equal in the ability to kill each other. This is important because he believes that people can not live in peace in the state of nature because of those reasons. Also because of this he states that there are three principals of quarrels; competition, diffidence, and glory. Hobbes feels that because of human nature these three reasons to fight would take over and make the state of nature a state of war. Locke also has an opinion to the state of nature. He feels that men would respond to things and people around them with reason and rationality. Therefore he feels that a state of nature for the most part peaceful and pleasant. He also states that the natural law would guide humans in a state of nature. He thinks that people know right from wrong and are capable of doing both but it is upon the individual to carry out these values. In order to deal with the state of nature each of the two suggests a social contract. Whatever the contract is should be the obligations placed upon the people. They both believe in this particular agreement they just differ as to who it should be between. Hobbes speaks of the Leviathan and believes that the contract should be between the ruled and the ruler. He states that a strong ruler is the only way to enforce the social contract. He says that all me are born with three rights: the right to property, liberty, and life. He believes that the only important right is the right to life because without that right you cannot have a chance to enjoy the other two. So his contract consists of the subjects giving up the other two to the leviathan so that he can ensure the right to life. Lockes social contract differs in many ways. One of them is Locke does not believe that individuals should not give up liberty, but instead give up the right to punish people who commit wrongdoings and leave that up to a overwhelming force, in this case the popular sovereignty. His belief of the state of nature which is that man would use their reasoning and be rational when dealing with other people. So his contract is between the elected and the people. Locke and Hobbes social contract may be different but in ways they are similar. They both believe in revolt if the contract is broken, but they state it differently. Hobbes believes in the monarch so the revolt against him would be different then Lockes society of popular sovereignty, but in short it both of them called for persecution in such case. Still the case that called for persecution would naturally be different because of the different types of governments these men called for. For example Locke says it is time to revolt when a ruler tries to get absolute power of the people; but Hobbes states that the leviathan needs to have absolute power and the only time to revolt is if the monarch is not able to protect the people he rules over. Hobbes explains the relationship between the subjects and ruler as do what you told and you will not be killed. This means that these people could not say anything about the way the sovereign is running the kingdom or you are subject to death. This is so in the way Hobbes looked at it because the only way to control the people is a state strong enough to persecute someone for this particular reason. The monarch that Hobbes feels is the only way to govern should not be questioned by anyone as so long he is able to protect the people of the land. Lockes view of the relationship is really different. Based on the concept of popular sovereignty the sovereign are the people; so the relationship is more give and take or democratic. This is a very important concept to Lockes ideas because this is what differs him the most from Hobbes. His democracy is broken down into three branches; executive, legislative, and federal. The elected officials in these positions are an extension of the people so the people who make up the state serves the people until the people are tired of them. What Hobbes and Locke say about people moving into a political society from a state of nature is pretty similar and all most the same. Both say that contracts between people were necessary, but the dilemma in that is that in a state of nature there is no one to enforce the contracts between people. Both of them thought about this concept and figured that in order to move in to a political society someone was needed to enforce these contracts. Hobbes believes that the only one strong enough to force contracts is the monarch. Locke believes the same thing about someone being strong enough to force the contracts but he thinks it should be the elected doing so. Lockes two treatises limited sovereignty more so than it has before. Locke called for a separation of powers. He broke it down into three sections and combined it with the popular sovereignty; therefore the many limitations were in place. I believe Locke included this idea into is first and second treatise because he wanted to not allow the abuse of power that is so evident in a monarchy. This is important because this is what our American system of democracy is based upon. Hobbes system of government there is very little limitation. The only limitation I can see is when the monarch does not provide for the security of the people and they revolt. Though that limitation is called upon by Hobbes the rest of the terms of the monarch have no limitations. The monarch is the ruler and no one can go against him because he is the divine and going against him is going against god. So the limitations of a monarch are pretty much is inexistent in Hobbess the Leviathan. The rights of the subjects according to Hobbes are the right to live and that is it. The other rights now belong to the Leviathan; this is needed according to Hobbes to ensure security. A monarch that gives too many rights to the people is too weak to defend them. This is so because if the monarch is questioned a lot it takes away the fear of the ruler. Hobbes says that fear is needed to keep the people in check. Therefore a sovereign must practice a policy known as shock and awe. Without this strategy someone would feel that they might be able to challenge the monarch. So rights that the subjects hold on the sovereign are limited to the right to revolt if the monarch fails to protect them. Locke thinks that people should hold more rights to the elected. The subjects have the right to put people in the state and take them out. Locke gives people the right to liberty and property. This is different from Hobbes because Hobbes said to give those rights up. Locke says that you can have rights that Hobbes said would not work in transforming into a political society. Hobbes says that subjects cannot ensure that the sovereign roles for the greater good. Because if they are alive it is the greater good according to Hobbes; so what can they do to ensure that the ruler is operating for the greater good? According to Hobbes nothing because you can not go against the Leviathan on how he is ruling, and to do so can result in you getting killed. So once again the subject has very little to say in the Hobbes ideology. Locke also has a conflicting view with Hobbes on this ability to check the sovereign to make sure he is operating for the good of the people. The main thing that allows them to ensure what the government doing is right is the ability bring charges against any wrongdoings. This is powerful because it does not only kick those people out of office but also brings persecution to them. Another powerful way to make sure government is doing the right thing is the ability to vote or not to vote for people who make up the state. Both Locke and Hobbes are modern political philosophers with different ways of reaching the same objective. Their objective is to transform a state of nature into a political society. Though they disagree on what a state of nature is and they disagree on which is the better political society, but both were apparently right. This is so because both of the philosophies can be applied to life today, which is in a whole different context of their time.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Analysis of Video “The World is Flat†Essay Example for Free
Analysis of Video â€Å"The World is Flat†Essay Key issues or Problems in the video: The title The World is Flat was taken from a statement by Nandan Nilekani, the former Infosys (an Indian IT company) CEO. It seems like if hadnt met Nandan then he wouldnt have even written this book. He talks about Americans and the developing world but says almost nothing about Africa, Europe Australia. The World is flat applies better to people with similar kind of economic conditions. In developing world, a big portion of population is poor or much below poverty line as per American standard. Their first challenge is access to food and Education. How could they be part of level playing field and make this world flat. Friedman says first that Nineteenth century belonged to English, Twentieth Century to USA and Twenty first Century to China. Friedman argues that latest age of globalization will be spearheaded by Individuals. He just made this assumption after meeting the cab driver in Budapest Peruvian Dishware seller who have their own websites. The percentage of people doing their own business like this is still extremely low to claim that the era belongs to them. It feels like an exaggeration. Its conflicting that on one hand, he says 21st century belongs to China and on the other hand, he says latest age of globalization (which is now) will be spearheaded by Individuals. I can’t accept his methods and question his research and interview process. Friedman is stating something without actually based on real documented facts, but on talks with friends and CEOs he visits. By what it leaves out, it does nothing more than misinform the people around the World. In the end, he talks about Green New Clean energy which kind of feel out of context from the main topic. Critique of video, Supporting arguments, rebuttals of ideas: I think there is a lot to criticize about the Video â€Å"The World is Flat†. Friedmans view of the globalized world is often obsessed with the successful multinational corporations of India. In the video he talks about individuals or â€Å"free agents†, but being a free agent is riskier. Free agents will not have fixed salary and health care benefits (Source: Brown, C.V.). If there is a free agent in India, he can’t work for American company without Social Security Number for Tax purposes. 90% of the worlds telephone calls, Internet traffic, and investments are local, suggesting that this Video has overstated the trends. His talk of a new flat world where information, money, ideas, and people can move worldwide faster than before is unreal, we just see a fraction of what he describes globalization (Refer Source:wiki). Globalization causes unemployment here in America. It is shipping jobs outside America where its easy to find cheap labor. The winners will be capitalists worldwide causing income inequality everywhere. This would imply that Globalization will make the world NON-Flat instead. He talks about mashing the two specializations together which doesn’t always give the better result. Actions I would take next and why or personal experience dealing with the issues: The video presents more of an American perspective. Friedmans work history has been mostly with The NY Times, and has definitely affected the way due to which he thinks this way. I would have liked his ideas in a more inclusive voice to show the whole World’s perspective. I would encourage fair trade instead of free trade. If we put his claims to test against documented facts. It will not pass. I would have liked more research and references. World will be actually a level playing field when everybody will have a fair opportunity to Education Resource of Technology. If I make a website and start selling say â€Å"Baseball bats†. First of all, there will be a Brand position issue that is why would people come to me instead of going to Store like â€Å"Sports Authority†or so where they can try and test things before buying. Secondly, In real world, its hard to be an Individual and manage the whole thing like getting the stuff made in foreign countries, handle the custom portion, get it shipped etc. on your own. Sources: (2014, May 9). The World is Flat. Retrieved Jun 7, 2011 from Wiki: Brown, C.V., Dehayes, D.W., Hoffer, J.A., Martin, E.W., Perkins, W.C. (2012). Managing information technology (7th ed.): Managing IT in a digital world. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Equity and Trusts Problem Questions
Equity and Trusts Problem Questions The first step we should attend to briefly is to define what a trust is. Simply put, a trust is a relationship under the law of equity[1] that arises when one person (the settlor) vests the legal title in another person (the trustee) for the benefit of a third-party called a beneficiary. The trustee holds the legal title and the beneficiary-(ies) possess the equitable title and as such the trustee owes them a duty to carry out the duties as defined by the settlor[2]. The most basic species of trust is an express private trust; this is a â€Å"trust which is declared intentionally by the settlor†[3]. There is no fixed mechanism or form of words for creating such a trust because â€Å"equity looks to intent rather than the form†[4]; see Paul-v-Constance[5]. Hudson (p.72) speaks of â€Å"exposing†a trust which demonstrates that it exists by law and is not created by the courts retrospectively. Express trusts can be established during the life of the settlor or as i n this case, via instructions placed in their will.[6] There are two basic sets of requirements for valid trusts; the first is that there needs to be three basic certainties as per Knight-v-Knight[7]; defined as certainty of intention, subject matter and object – if any one fails then there is no trust. The first of these requires that there was a certainty of intention by the purported settlor â€Å"that the person receiving the property is under a mandatory legal obligation to carry out the wishes of the settlor†[8]. Secondly and only logically, it must be certain what the subject of the trust is i.e. the property. Finally, there must be certainty of object i.e. there needs to be someone with equitable ownership to enforce the trust, see Re Endacott[9]. The second basic requirement is that the trust must be constituted i.e. the legal title must pass to the trustee(s). This should not be an issue here because as executors Edward and Sandra would have already acquired legal title of all Alice’s estate[10]. DISPOSITION A Alice’s disposition is potentially void as a trust due, firstly to uncertainty of intention; the disposition does not suggest Alice intends to impose a legal obligation on Edward to carry out her wishes. Rather it potentially suggests she was imposing on him a â€Å"power†. In essence, trusts impose an obligation to act and powers authorise people to carry out certain tasks with a lower level of compulsion.[11] The task we have is to decide what Alice intended and according to Dixton (p.67) â€Å"it is very easy to confuse trusts and powers, especially since most power are given to people who are otherwise trustees†. Edwards (p.80) advises that to differentiate between them is â€Å"a matter of construction for the courts, based on identifying the intention from†¦the language and the document as a whole†He further suggests that a significant indicator would be â€Å"existence of a gift in default of appointment†and wide discretion. Applying t his to our facts, we see that Alice grants him à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤10,000 to buy a small memento for â€Å"such of my relatives as have not received anything under the other provisions†and after doing this â€Å"to keep what is left†. It is submitted that this does not meet the necessary level of certainty, especially as Edward keeps what is left over, it is merely a power; a power of appointment[12], outside of a trust instrument[13].To impose a trust situation in this case would be to ignore the warning in Re Hamilton to â€Å"take the will you have to construe and see what it means, and if you come to the conclusion that no trust was intended then say so†. The next issue is what kind of powers these are and what level of compulsion exists on Edward to carry out the tasks. This could be a personal power[14] or a fiduciary power and this will turn on whether he was given the power in his capacity as a son or executor. Wilkie (p.52) says if it is a personal power he could distribute â€Å"spitefully, or capriciously, or even go to sleep and forget about exercising the power at all†. You could argue that Alice gave the power to her son in his capacity as a son; and so considering the remainder goes to him then it is all but an absolute gift. He could just buy a few relatives key-rings as mementoes and be done with it. The beneficiaries would have no equitable interest in any property as its quantum is unknowable. The second view you could argue is that he has to exercise the power in his capacity as executor and so he has a higher level of onus upon him. It is submitted that as such, this power of appointment would be what is known as a hybrid or intermediate power[15] in that he is authorised to distribute it to a certain category of objects, relatives, excluding those who have already benefited. The level of compulsion or onus is debatable. In Re Hay’s Settlements[16], it was held that he just cannot ignore this power to appoint randomly, he must make efforts to complete it. And in McPhail-v-Doulton[17] the leading case in this area it was said he â₠¬Å"must act in a responsible manner according to its purpose†and â€Å"make survey of the range of objects†that†will enable him to carry out his fiduciary duties.†Wilkie (p.52) says that there is much lessor onus is on a donee[18] of a power to locate those who may be objects. However, other commentators, see Penner (58+) say the onus depends on the type of power as well as who has been granted it. However, even with ‘powers’, the subjects and objects need to be ascertained and Alice has simply defined â€Å"small memento of me†and â€Å"relatives†minus those who benefited from the will; these are problematic. Firstly, the subject matter is conceptually uncertain[19]; as per Palmer-v-Simmonds[20] and so potentially void; what is ‘small’ and what is a ‘memento’[21]. Secondly, â€Å"relatives†could be taken to be anyone with a common ancestor and as you work back far enough this could include almost anyone. However, in Re Baden’s Deed Trusts (No.2)[22], relatives was equated to next-of-kin and held to be conceptually certain; a strange decision considering how rigid the court has been on conceptual uncertainty. Furthermore in McPhail, the test to ascertain objects for a power was decided as the ‘is or is not’ test described by Wilberforce as, â€Å"can it be said with certainty that any given indi vidual is or is not a member of the class?†Thus it appears possible that we could, if necessary, reach a legal definition of the objects although the problem is the subject of the power. The advice to Edward is pretty clear; as a trust this fails and so based on Curtis v Rippon[23], he could take the entire amount of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤20,000 seeing that the amounts to be given to relatives are uncertain and so the absolute gift to him takes effect over the failed trust. However, if viewed as a power, he may be under compulsion to distribute some of the à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤20,000 buying small mementos for relatives once he complies with the above; although, in practice few would be willing, or able, to compel him to execute this power. DISPOSITION B Does the phrase â€Å"fullest trust and confidence†indicates certainty of intention to create a trust? In Re-Adams-and-Kensington-Vestry[24] a husband gave property to his wife in â€Å"in full confidence that she will do what is right†, yet this was held to only impose a moral obligation upon her. However, in Comiskey-v-Bowring-Hanbury[25] the phrase â€Å"in full confidence†was held to impose a trust. The similarity in these cases is superficial and it is apparent that each was judged on its individual merits and potential settlor’s intentions. Hence, the mechanical application of phrase simply turns the law on its head. It is much more insightful to follow Re Hamilton comments listed above in part A and use common sense. Applying this, it is submitted there is potentially a certainty of intention, but we also need to examine the other certainties. On ‘certainty of subject’; it is trite law that, as per Re-London-Wine-Co[26] that trust property must be ascertainable. In that case un-segregated wine voided certainty. This was supported in Re-Goldcorp-Exchange-Ltd[27] . Mustill[28] said â€Å"rights in property, whether equitable, cannot exist in the air†¦ it can only exist in relation to property which is specifically ascertained†, i.e. physical segregation is necessary[29]. However we are not dealing with a situation exactly similar to Re-London-Wine. Under a will, the executor takes full title to the property on the death and according to Martin(p.60) the â€Å"equitable ownership is in suspense†– the trust has not yet been constituted whereas it allegedly had in London-Wine. All the executors need to do is to walk down to the cellar and physically segregate fifty bottles of wine and identify them as trust property and transfer legal title from Edward/Sandra, as executors, to Edward pers onally. It is obvious Alison knew what was in her wine cellar so the property she is referring to really was not a specific 50 bottles of wine, but 50 of the 80 wine bottles I know I have in my cellar. How else could she describe them if they were homogeneous, was an 80 year old woman close to death meant to go down to her cellar and move bottles around? However, it is the â€Å"old friends†, the potential objects of this trust, which poses more serious problems. The phrase â€Å"my old friends†is conceptually uncertain[30]; both words are subjective; what is a ‘friend’ and what is ‘old’? With the knowledge that this would be a fixed trust if the three certainties were present; i.e. each beneficiary entitled to an â€Å"equal†share then IRC-v-Broadway-Cottages-Trust[31] states that all the beneficiaries must be able to be listed and there is no room for any conceptual uncertainty. The disposition states that Edward should cure any uncertainty and his word is â€Å"final†. However, this is not likely to be accepted by the courts. In Re-Tuck’s-Settlement-Trusts the court allowed a Rabbi, as per the trust document, to cure an issue of uncertainty i.e. whether someone was of â€Å"Jewish blood†[32]. However, the Rabbi was acting in his capacity as expert on the Jewish faith and evidencing the meaning of the words not defining them. You could make a good argument that Edward could define his mother’s old friends just like the Rabbi defined Jewish blood, but it would go against current legal and academic opinion so as a trust it would likely fail. However, the advice in this case might be that this could be treated like above, as a power. This is because, as a power Edward could use the â€Å"is or is not test†rather than the â€Å"complete list†test and so circumvent this issue and give Edward much more leeway to carry out his mother’s intentions. Remember the preference of the courts will be to see Alice’s wishes carried out rather than not. DISPOSITION C There is clearly an intention to create a trust with the subject matter of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤20,000, because it is stated. It is further obvious that it is a discretionary trust[33]; this is a type of express trust where the trustee has what is called ‘dispositive discretion ’ i.e. an ability to decide the quantum of trust property, if any, goes to each beneficiary[34]. It is important to note the difference between this and a fixed trust; in a fixed trust the beneficiaries have a severable equitable claim on the property because they can usually calculate what they are entitled to. In a discretionary trust the trustees can exercise discretion; and in this case the basis of this discretion is those â€Å"they find most deserving.†The real issue is who exactly are the objects of the trust; that are subject to this discretion?[35] We are given no names but rather a class description â€Å"such of the first 300 people to have crossed the Victoria Bridge on the 24th of October 2008†. Such descriptors in theory pose no problems. However, if we assume that this date has passed[36], then we are presented with a difficult evidential problem. It is important to point out that the names of the 300 people who were first over Victoria Bridge is a fact; they are an absolute certainty; it is just the trustees don’t know who they are yet. Hence, it is not an issue of ‘conceptual certainty’ as to the class descriptor; it is not like â€Å"old friends†. The issue is one of evidential uncertainty in that the trustees do not have enough evidence to write down a complete list. The courts have grappled with this problem but it is now clear from McPhail-v-Doulton that previous requirements for a c omplete list, like for fixed trusts, are no longer valid. The test now is the â€Å"is or is not†test as outlined above. Hence, the trustees do not need to know the 300 people who crossed the bridge, they only need to meet the test set by Wilberforce in McPhail; â€Å"can it be said with certainty that any given individual is or is not a member of that class†. The issue now is could anyone do this with sufficient certainty. It would not be enough to show you crossed the bridge on the day but that you were one of the first three hundred to do so[37]. This turns on facts we don’t have; considering the coverage of police cameras in London it is likely there is one focused on Victoria Bridge so this might help candidates prove their claim. To conclude this section, the advice is whoever can prove with sufficient certainty that they fall within the class, and then they will become beneficiaries of the trust. However, if no one can prove then the trust will fail for lack of certainty of objects and the à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤20,000 result back to Alice’s estate. There are a number of other issues which should be covered briefly for Edward and Sandra. Assuming the three certainties are present, then the trust is properly constituted (as the potential trustees they are also executors and have legal title). To be a trustee you need to have reached the age of 18; we are not told Sandra’s age but presumably she complies with this. The trust is defined to be for 21 years i.e. 21 years after Alice’s death and this is permissible under Section 13 of the Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 1964. However, it is worth pointing out to Edward and Sandra that the trust is unlikely to last as long as 21 years. Although the beneficiaries would have no rights severally because as Penner (p.85) describes them they are â€Å"mere postulants, seeking the trustees’ largesse†; they could have rights jointly because it is an exhaustive trust[38] i.e. Alice appears to have instructed them to spend all the 20K and there are no devices to return unspent money to the estate. As such the beneficiaries may have rights jointly to petition the court to simply give them the trust property, see Martin (p.211) which presumably they would have agreed to divide equally[39]. References – Bibliography Burn, E, Trusts Trustees Cases Materials 6th Edition, Oxford University Press. Dixon, M, 2005, Equity and Trusts Q A, Cavendish Publishing. Edwards, K, 2000, Essential Equity and Trusts, Routledge. Duddington, J, 2007, Equity and Trusts Law Express, Pearson. Hudson, A, 2005, Equity Trusts, Routledge Cavendish. Mohamed, R, 2004, Cases Materials on Trusts, Routledge Cavendish. Martin, J, 2005,Hanbury Martin, Modern Equity 17th Edition, Sweet Maxwell. Penner, J, 2005, The Law of Trusts Core Text 4th Edition, OUP. Wilkie, M, 2008, Equity and Trusts Blackstones Q A 2008/2009, OUP. 1 Footnotes [1] Space precludes a discussion on the fundamentals of equitable law see Duddington(p.2+). [2] A trust is an onerous obligation and should not, and will not, be imposed casually by the courts if any doubt exists; especially as the courts may ultimately be called to adjudicate upon its operation [3] Hudson(p.38) [4] Re Williams 1897 [5] On the other hand you can use the word â€Å"trust†, as per Tito v Waddell (no2) and this might not create one. [6] They are often known as ‘testamentary trusts’; but not substantially different to inter vivos trusts. [7] 1840 [8] Dixon(p.61) [9] 1960 [10] We are told the will is valid and that is all we need to concern ourselves about with that matter. [11] Martin(p.171) [12] appointment in this sense means the power to give or to appoint the property to someone. [13] Powers can operate „insideâ€Å"or „outsideâ€Å", those outside are known as bare powers i.e. less encumbered by the obligatory nature of the trustees duty. [14] Beware of terminological problems with these phrases, see Wilkie(p.51) [15] See Mohamed(p.118) [16] 1982 [17] 1982 see Burn(p.84) for a discussion of the case and test. [18] The person who is authorised to exercise a power. [19] see Disposition B and C for more details and Duddington(P.15,16) [20] 1854 [21] see below for more detail [22] 1973 [23] 1820 [24] 1884 [25] 1905 [26] 1986 PCC 121 [27] 1985 [28] Quoted in Penner(p.205) [29] It is worth noting the ruling in Hunter v Moss which appears to run contrary to this albeit with intangibles. [30] Penner(p.197+) In Re Gibbard’s Will Trusts 1967 and RE Barlow’s Will Trusts 1979 â€Å"friends†was held certain but the former has been overruled and the latter referred to different legal circumstances. [31] 1955 [32] see Duddington(p.20) [33] see Dixon(p.65+) [34] See Martin(p.104+), see also Edwards(p.77) for concise analysis. [35] I am interpreting the will as meaning there is a potential class size of 300 and over these discretion is exercised. [36] It is not 100% clear from the rubric that his date has passed, although the use of â€Å"to have crossed†clearly infers it. [37] A suggestion of administrative un-workability might arise here [38] It is interesting to note that discretionary trusts presents theoretical problems in that you can ask the question ‚who holds the equitable rights to the property?’ without beneficiaries who enforce the terms of the trust; there is an obvious risk that trustees can become slack in their duties. See Penner(p84+) [39] Space precludes a detailed analysis of these issues
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Racism and Identity Hand in Hand Essay --
In society, there are many misconceptions in terms of racism. According to the merriam-webster dictionary, racism is define the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others . Many people would agree with that definition. What is racism? The normal person if asked will simply reply, not liking someone for the color of their skin. Racism from my attitude which is substantiated by historical events is a system of power .Therefore is a system of power that is used to control the world and its people. Racism was employed by Europeans to subjugate and discriminate against other groups, in particular Africans/black people. It is also a power which ran through a systemic way to hinder and sabotage other groups. The system is so elaborate that it almost seems nonexistent on a systematic level. Hence, this is why many people do not think it exists anymore. Racism is pervasive in society and remains a silent code which has a profound effect society. Ralph Ellison author of the award-winning novel , Invisible Man deals with racism and how it effect an individual .I would analyze racism and display how it effect ones identity . Vocabulary, defines identity as an individual characteristic by which a thing or person is recognized or known. In other words it is how one views, look, sees and defines themselves. Many people identity are influenced by religion, environment, parents, culture, gender, teachers and textbooks. Media also can play a role in shaping one’s identity. This can include internet, news, movies, radio and etc. One’s identity can be shaped by many different things or experiences. The things that shaped my identity are family, race... ...e.. Fanon's work displays that double consciousness is also a condition of colonized people. ‘Black Skin, White Mask’’ documentary states the reaction of racism between black and white arise when the white become aware that one is attracted to black something. Something blacks meaning a black person. In conclusion racism appears in the field of vision. In summary, Racism influences ones (blacks) identity. This has a negative effect in the Black community .Often blacks looks thru the eyes of a white person to feel in power which lead to double conciseness. The Invisible Man story makes the reader, well at least in my case draw upon times in which I have indirectly experienced racism and lack of self-esteem. However, I know that by definition of racism I am affected by its global and local systematic approach to keep me and those who resemble me, subjugated.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Free Essays - More than Atoms :: Personal Narrative Essays
More than Atoms That's why we write. That's why we sing. That's why we dance. That's why we paint. That's why we pray. Because we are just a group of atoms. Because we want something more. We need to create something more. There has to be something more. Watch someone pray sometime. I mean really pray. See someone with glassy eyes and parted lips clasp their hands and silently ask of their beliefs "why?" If you are truly my progeny, it will drive any prejudice the world may have given you from your heart. What you will see in that prayer filled face is humanity in its most vulnerable state. We pray because we need something to turn to, something to believe in. We need an all mighty truth that has the power to soothe our fears. Why? Because we are afraid of being on our own, we are afraid of not being saved from all the pain and suffering in this world. We are afraid that all we do, we do in vain. We want arms into which we may retreat after death. We want an explanation for our lives. And so we pray to our God, and others pray to theirs, and some call it enlightenment or nirvana, or "it." But we do it for the same reason, to nurse the same weakness. When you see religious prejudice, or any type of prejudice for that matter, know that that bigotry has no real foundation. No one knows more than anyone else. There is no proof. There is no answer key. Everyone has different beliefs, but we all have the same frailties. See that when you see someone pray, and have compassion. Have compassion for the world, the world that has condemned itself to anger and hatred. And try to rise above tolerance. Tolerance may be a virtue, but it is a condescending one. It says, "I do not accept you or like you or believe in anything you do, but I'll put up with you and be civil because I think that I am the bigger person.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller Essay -- American History
Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller; Captains of industry, or robber barons?           True, Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller may have been the most influential businessmen of the 19th century, but was the way they conducted business proper? To fully answer this question, we must look at the following: First understand how Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller changed the market of their industries. Second, look at the similarities and differences in how both men achieved domination. Third and lastly, Look at how both men treated their workers and customers in order achieve the most possible profit for their company.      Let us first look at Mr. Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie was a mogul in the steel industry. Carnegie developed a system known as the vertical integration. This method basically cut out the ‘middle man’. Carnegie bought his own iron and coal mines (which were necessities in producing steel) because purchasing these materials from independent companies cost too much and was insufficient for Carnegie’s empire. This hurt his competitors because they still had to pay for raw materials at much higher prices. Unlike Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller integrated his oil business from top to bottom. Rockefeller’s system was considered a ‘horizontal’ integration. This meant that he followed one product through all phases of the production process, i.e. Rockefeller had control over the oil from the moment it was drilled to the moment it was sold to the consu...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Marketing Skoda
I have chosen Soda because I believe they are a very creative and innovative car company, from heir recent adverts of building their cars with cakes and other foods, this shows Soda are very creative, and this made me choose Soda. Before the adverts Soda were relatively unknown to me personally, however after seeing their creative adverts they stand out more as an organization. Explaining Soda Soda started of making bicycles; this is quite strange because it shows the creativity within the organization.They started of making bicycles and now they are making cars. Soda is a Czech company; however they have merged with the German car company Volkswagen. The history of Soda's rise from being a running Joke to becoming the most deservedly respected name In the car world is one of the triumphs of the modern era. Marketing communications At Its best creative marketing can have a huge effect on sales. This Is also backed up by the greatest thinker in the world Albert Einstein. Imagination i s more important than Knowledge' Marketing communications attempts to affect an audience response either rationally or emotionally. Objectives are written as hard or soft, goals such as attitudinal and behavioral, which then translate into awareness, column inches, evoked and inconsideration sets, leads conversations and coupon responses. Jenkins (2006) ‘Advertising relies on visual imagery to connect the perceptual with the conceptual, the signifier and the signified, the product and the product benefits. Schroeder and Borrowers (2005) Talking about sensory The reaction of the viewers Is Important for Soda, The vowels reaction to marketing communications that Is meaningful and allows people to make sense of the presented message, to interpret the creative images. Movement and direction Our primitive instincts make us react very quickly to movement. Advertisements with motion get increased attention and movement may make the advertisement much more dynamic and creates better i mpact. This is important because it helps the target audience to stay focused and pay attention.I believe Soda have done this very creatively. In their advert there is a lot of movement and the advert is like an adventure, it makes the target audience watch in anticipation because they want to know what happens next. As we know people have short attention spans and movement Is an effective tool to help the audience focus. The powerful effect of action Intensive advertising explains why TV and cinema advertising Is so effective. Color and Intensity Advertising with a lot of color draws attention to It.Color makes advertising more intense and can also make people pay attention for a longer time as we enjoy being sauce Dye Intense stimuli. color Is not only a tool to get people's attention; It also sets the mood in advertising. Soda has done this very well as they have a different number of colors in their advertisement. This sets the mood and also grips the audience. The color Soda us e throughout their advertisement is green, green is now as a peaceful and calm color this is very creative because the audience will feel relaxed while watching the advertisement.Size and contrast Size is a good creative tool to use. It can be used with large letters, images and illustrations. If the advertisement is large the empty advertisement will generate curiosity. This is what is regularly called negative space in advertising. Contrast is an effective tactic in advertising. Soda use this very well on billboards, as they have a large car and have their workers around the car, and there is a green background, it s simple yet odd, this is what will get the audience attention.Sound The advertising Soda use is creative advertising on a big scale. It's imaginative, ambitious, painstakingly crafted and thanks in no small part to the soundtrack of Julie Andrews singing my favorite things. The sound that Soda us in their advert is enticing and draws the attention of the audience. It m akes the audience want to know what happens next? It is exciting for the viewers. The beginning of the advert sets the tone for the advert, the start of the advert is important because if it is not the attention of the viewers will be gone.Sound is an integral ingredient in any advert, the reason being is that sound attempts to draw the viewers into the advert to improve their viewing experience. Soda knows advertising plays a huge part in customer's decision making process of which products and services to use, often without them even realizing, in particular television adverts, because of the vast expanse of potential customers they reach. They are a powerful tool in the marketing scheme of companies which can be used to access millions of homes and influencing people.The song Soda use for their advert is catchy and grips the audience, in the background a car is being made with cakes and the song is mellow so they fit in well together. Sound is a very powerful marketing tool. I be lieve the sound in the Soda advert arouses peoples attention, simply because when adverts come on consumers attention is not 100% compared to the consumer watching their program, therefore the sound needs to be used appropriately, I believe Soda use this very well because it is a catchy song and also a song that is not too loud and also the song is very rhythmic.Verbal taste We eat with our eyes before we smell or taste. This is the taste sense. The cake advert Soda has does exactly this, We know people eat with their eyes before they smell or taste, therefore The advert shows employees of Soda making a car out of Cakes, people love to eat cakes, therefore as soon as the viewers see the cakes there senses are triggered and the viewers like cake therefore they will like the car.This is very creative from Soda as viewers will be looking at the advert and thinking what is this? I want this? It will Stick in peoples head, resulting in a better brand awareness or Soda. Humans have 10,000 taste buds therefore the advert is going to appeal to them, as soon as we see cake it triggers our taste buds and we want it. Next time a viewer is looking to buy a car they may think in their heads I want that cake car, and cakes are tasty odometer ten cake car wall De stagnantly Ana enjoys el D .Osaka use ten taste sense very well because as consumers are watching the adverts of the Soda cars it makes them want to actually taste the car as different ingredients are used to create the car creating a sense of hunger within the consumer, and Soda cars could et consumers bipartite, as the eyes are more hungrier than the mouths. Visual is images Human sight has limited range 2/3rd of the sense cells in the body are located in the eye.This shows the importance of sight, the advertisement needs to be enjoyable and eye catching, if the viewers see images they don't like then this could be very harmful for Soda because it will create a negative image for the company. Throughout the advert soda has used a different approach to conventional marketing as it has betrayed the car as a cake . This marketing campaign will show the viewers hat soda has put in a lot of time and effort so everything is made effectively and effectively.Soda has clearly illustrated that every part every nut and bolt is hand crafted so this will appeal to customers as they have seen the car being made with their eyesight. Through the advert and also on the Soda website color has been used effectively as it has bright colors creating a relaxed mood, the color red is not used because this will automatically trigger danger signs into viewers minds. The visual images Soda use are very good on both the television and internet adverts. The website is very colorful and has great visual aids like videos and color.The television advertisement has a number of different colors, this sets the mood of the advert and gets the consumers attention, the consumers will be thinking wait a minute what have we got h ere? I want to watch this and it is also a catchy advert therefore consumers will remember this and it will enable consumers to think about Soda cars next time they are looking to purchase a new car. Tactile touch Soda has made a very effective marketing campaign illustrating the fun factor in soda vehicles.The fun factor is clearly visible which the customer can connect with resulting in customers wanting to have fun which is connected to soda vehicles. Advert makes the viewers want to help touch the car, by helping to build the car because the employs are having so much fun building the car, also when the car is finished the viewers may want to drive a Soda as they know how much fun has gone into creating the car. I believe the Soda advert ticks all the boxes of 7 dimensions used to measure likeability. I believe the advert makes the viewer want to touch the car o see how it feels and to also be apart in creating the car.The advert makes the viewer want to move closer to the adver t rather than move away from it because the adverts creates a sense of happiness. Genetics on Soda Genetics is all about how we communicate feelings, how we shape sounds and products. From the Soda adverts, billboards and website it makes us want to move closer to the company rather than move away, as they are all very appealing and are colorful. The advertisements for Soda are slender than many other car companies because the adverts show innovativeness and creativity.The Marketing for Soda also makes the customers happy, because the adverts and website are very colorful and there is a lot going on like moving objects. The marketing aspect of Soda has a tranquility about it because there advertisements inspire people who have seen them. How It can De enhance The most fundamental tool that facilitates learning is arousal. When people in the target market get aroused they raise their awareness and their ability to react to new stimuli. The brain automatically interprets the arousal a s being something important and important things must be memorized.By using powerful elements in advertising that creates arousal in the target audience the marketer can increase receptivity to the message. I believe Soda have a creative marketing campaign however to hammer their advertising on people they need to keep creating adverts like they have been doing but using them at the right time. By this I mean arousing customers is good however by placing the advertisement in an arousing context, this will help Soda more because by having their adverts on billboards in major football matches will arouse customers more as they are already aroused by the football match. I feelSoda have a great marketing campaign in place however I feel if Soda promised their customers a free cake with every purchase this could be a good marketing strategy because it carry on the add and for most people their senses will show when they see a cake in the bakery or supermarket they associate the cake with Soda. How Soda grab customers attention The most fundamental tools to gain peoples attention and to sustain their interest originate in perceptual psychology. Atkinson and Hillary (1996) Perception ability is a basic human trait that helps us react intuitively to outside stimuli that may be important.The advertising tool Soda use in advertising is appealing to peoples natural instincts and they also try to make their advertisements stand out to get the target audience to pay attention and process the brand image. Creativity compared to rivals If a customers goes on the Soda website they will feel exited and want to explore the website as color is used very efficiently, however if a consumer was to go on the BMW website is is boring and the customer will want to navigate away from the site as it has a lot of information on it and is very dull. The senses will react more on the Soda Bessie than the other car websites.The adverts are far more creative than their rivals also as Mercede s and BMW feel their brand name will sell, Soda has won a number of awards for their cars and this is displayed on their website, this shows Soda is a progressing organization. Reflective account I feel this course has changed my perceptions on marketing. Simply because before this module I would look at marketing of companies and not pay attention, however now I look at them differently. I analyses the marketing strategies in my head and think to myself why have they done this? Why didn't they do this?I was looking at the new polo car advert in the advert their is a man and a women dancing all they do in the advert is dance then a Polo car badge appears, this is very boring and dull, I thought to myself why didn't they use the advert better by having something to do with the car itself as it is a new model car and include different colors in the advert, the actual advert loses my interest within the first three seconds. I now look at creative marketing in a different way, in a funn y kind of way my eyes have opened up now and I am 22 years old. I wish I did this module earlier as I could of used my knowledge I have gained.I believe creativity is very important for marketing, it can be uses In a Deterrent under AT ways, never I nave also learned Tanat It NAS to one used effectively in order to get the best results. I have learnt how we think as individuals, through our sensory triggers, I have also learnt how to put a creative thought into execution through the tutorials. I have learnt how creativity can influence consumer behavior and how creativity can influence our thinking about consumer wants and desires. Creativity is also a key determinant in the development of innovation, in both business and management.
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